
Agricultural and Forestry Economy Data driven data warehouse Finance and Trade Macroeconomics consumer behavior Economic and industrial development Financial Management and Accounting Internet of Things big data application Computer and Artificial Intelligence E-commerce and digital services International Economy and Global Trade Predictive Models and Economic Research Natural Resource Economy and Management Rural Economic Construction and Transformation Information Economy and Enterprise Management Model fitting and data analysis Model fitting and data analysis Service computing big data applications Multimedia Data Application Analysis Mathematical Models and Regression Analysis Blockchain Technology and Regional Economy Sustainable Economy and Low Carbon Economy Visualize large-scale security data Big data management software and tools Big Data Encryption and Security Applications Database management and information retrieval Economic Statistics Issues under Big Data Performance evaluation and modeling applications Intelligent agent modeling and 3D modeling Econometric Models and Empirical Issues Big data analysis for business model innovation The Model and Path of Sustainable Economic Development Big data analysis for enterprises, governments, and society Data Mining, Data Warehousing, and Knowledge Discovery Algorithms and programming techniques for big data analysis and processing cloud computing intelligent network computer network Higher-order spectral analysis Database technology Image Processing and Understanding Multimedia and human-computer interaction Hardware Implementation of Signal Processing Statistical learning and pattern recognition Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks Computer Vision and Virtual Reality Computer Network Technology and Equipment Parallel, Parallel, and Distributed Systems Internet and wireless communication service providers
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